Another month passed and a visit to East Anglia for 5 LM's makes 14 visited during May, the total is now 27/89.
To try put this event into context: an overland trip from London to Kathmandu is approx 8000 miles. The mileage auNTy and I have covered so far on the RBR, has now passed the 3000mile mark, that leaves I'd gestimate another 6000 to go. Of course the roads, climate, people & dangers encountered aren't at all comparable....or are they!
A great LM to visit if you're a passenger:

This was my first camping trip on auNTy, basically a try out for the more distant trips (West Country & Scotland) The Ebay bargain Rickman panniers have proved to be very weather proof, most probably due to the simple design, the top box isn't quite as good, and the only space my 3 season sleeping bag will sort of fit, wrapped in carrier bags to keep it dry (may invest in a "compression" type waterproof storage bag from an outdoor shop to see if I can get the packed size smaller). Wherever you travel sooner or later you'll meet an ex-pat, even in Norfolk. I'm sure many of the brave fearless Highland clan McMidge have took up residence in the Norfolk Broads, evil little b*****ds. ANOTHER PIC TO HELP WITH THE GUESS WHERE IT IS COMPETITION......
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