Thursday, 31 May 2007
Guess where this is?

Sunday, 27 May 2007
Don't be a plonker check the Cutout switch!

This bag has a nice feature, the base can be used on its own as a map holder.

Buy the T-shirt
For Fathers' Day inspiration (June 17th) stores across the country will be selling specially commissioned Everyman promotional items, from t-shirts, underwear, shoes, key rings to men's grooming products....
Prove you've got balls too, buy and wear the T-shirt, available in several designs from ASDA now, only £6.....

Friday, 18 May 2007
Welsh Rally & RBRs Part 4 "MOTORHIKING"

On Sundays journey home despite the rain, I decided to have another crack at the Folly (aptly named) I was determined to get it, and now I had more time. So set off on the "hiking trail" again, in motorcycling gear, "waterproof" but heavy coat, and relatively smooth soled boots, managed ok across the field then into the woods......the path zig zagging steeply upward and soaking wet meant I had to try hard to keep a firm footing.
Eventually I came to a wooded stairway and soon to the folly........forgot to add I didn't have a hat so opted to keep the helmet on because it mists up easily I thought it was best to keep dry. At the folly I met a local family walking their dogs, and asked the easiest way back down to the village Lower Dinchope......without giving too much away there are three routes a short very difficult one, a long difficult one and a long slightly easier one!
The last option is the preferred one if its even slightly wet, more so if you're not wearing appropiate walking/hiking clothing and boots....
so now you know why the absolutely knackered appearance below......
PS. A BIG THANK YOU to the MITSUBISHI SHOGUN dangerous driver heading westwards on the A44 between Evesham & Worcestor who at approx 13:30hrs 13/05 not only failed to stop or slow down......but actually charged through the flooded road I was riding through......my gear had kept me fairly dry up to that point......
Tuesday, 15 May 2007

Sorry John but I could not resist this picture. As they say, "a picture tells a thousand stories"
...If anyone thinks this challenge is easy, please ask John what he thought of the last few challenges...
Also in case people need evidence of John riding with his pink vest around ...

Monday, 14 May 2007
Welsh Rally & RBRs Part 2
Full English breakfast (oops sorry full "Welsh breakfast") then off to rally control/check in.
Rally check in ; Nick and Steve studying instructions
Lost but we weren't the only ones....

We rode through Snowdonia, out to Anglesey, picked up RBR's and Welsh Rally points down the coast side which also meant we stayed dry although it was very windy. Careful route planning and sacrificing the planned RBR near Ynslas meant Jon still got a bronze award for the Welsh rally and we both got 5 RBR LMs. Returned to Hotel absolutely knackered having covered 308 gruelling miles, quick shower, then out with Nick and Steve to Newtown for curry and ale.
Welsh Rally & RBRs Part 1(just getting there!)
Some of my friends from work entered the 2007 Welsh Rally, so the plan was to join them and include a few RBR's en-route. Weatherwise the predictable happened, despite the recent heatwave all returned to "normal" for the weekend of the Welsh Rally, which in Wales equals WET, lots of WET especially on the Sunday journey home. Things didn't get off to a good start, Shaun's bike refused to restart at the 1st meeting point, much tinkering to no avail so he dropped out. hope his luck improves before his next adventure:- http://www.mongogolia.com/index1.htm
All this was unknown to me waiting at the second rendezvous point, 30 mins after time having tried to phone, I sent a text saying I was leaving for the first RBR stop (Herefordshire) and might see them there.
Motorhiking:- Whilst waiting here I got a text message from the others and decided it best we meet at the hotel. I went on to the next RBR stop(Shropshire) at the entrance to a single track road I met another entrant who stopped to tell me it was a good 3/4hr walk up and back down. "I'm here anyway, so best do it" auNTy V and me continued on along the hilly twisty narrowing hedge-lined lane. The landmark came into sight on a hilltop horizon, I parked auNTy in a field gateway the landmark in the distance behind. When I studied the photograph I'd taken, I thought "Is a speck on the horizon good enough for full points?" I had doubts, so went further along the lane parked auNTy at the start of the "footpath" in the nearest village according to the instructions and set off on a hike across the fields.
I thought there was plenty time, obviously this was not the case, I was aware of the rapidly setting sun, as I neared the woods I looked back over my shoulder, the sun about to disappear behind the hill on the other side of the valley. A steep climb and descent through dense pine woodland in the dark wearing biking attire didn't seem like a wise move, so I took the safe option to turn back and either: accept the risk of reduced points; or return another time putting this visit down to research. The others had made their way directly to the hotel and now it was me who was behind schedule, we eventually met up later in the evening to discuss and agree Saturday's routeplan for the Welsh rally.
Thursday, 3 May 2007
April > May
I've ordered a new tankbag from Baglux, the lovely lady advised it probably won't arrive on time for the Wales trip but hopefully it will come in time for my planned excursion north at the end of the month.
* = the results/foto evidence will be checked by the RBR officials at the end.