The video composition below was supposed to cover the latest updates however some feedback suggests that it isn't liked on s l o w old PC's or indeed newer ones running MS VISTA so a standard report:-
After a bad week (healthwise) and with all the good weather, I was determined to get out on a ride on Sunday albeit only a local trip to visit the Warwickshire and Gloucestershire Landmarks. The Warwickshire landmark was in Kineton, although I lived there for a year I couldn't actually remember seeing it before. Strangely enough it seems to have disappeared in the picture below (
complying with RBR rules) but there's me wearing the PINK vest again!
The Gloucestershire LM was the Wellington Aviation Museum at Moreton-in-Marsh, although I'm not ex-services or a plane spotter I decided to cough up the £2 entry and have a look around. The museum is small but crammed with a wide variety of artefacts mainly related to a military aviation theme. During conversation with the proprietor and another visitor, I heard tale of the latest must have fashionable furniture, coffee tables made from glass topped jet engine turbines, which supposedly once saw supersonic service in Concorde (check out EBAY for secondhand Concorde parts should be lots now the fleet is being scrapped tehehe)
Moreton is a typical small Cotswolds town with several souvenior, antique and crafts shops, most of which are open on Sunday. It's also got plenty of eateries for Sunday lunch or afternoon tea, my lunch was at the ASK restaurant, an "upmarket Pizza/Pasta house" part of a chain which has grown from the original set up by Adam & Samuel Kaye in 1993 to over 180, no complaints...good simple food and friendly service in pleasant surroundings.
The Vanishing Kineton Landmark...and John.
Door handles for Pistonheads